Monday, October 29, 2012

Two weeks in photos

This does seem to be turning into more of a bi-weekly thing than a weekly feature, eh?  Little Brother usually gets short shrift in these things, so you’ll see a little extra from him this time.


Weekend walk.

Big Brother pulled the wagon all the way to the end of the little Nature Walk behind our house.  It was a long walk.

Doesn’t he have beautiful eyes?

This is my view on these walks.

Big Brother’s photography skills are improving.

He’s good at holding his head up.  He just doesn’t roll over.  Whenever you’re ready, little guy.

I posted a similar picture on Facebook, but this one has bubbles!

A. remarked that Big Brother’s overclothes were kind of incongruous with the bow tie, but I finally remembered this week that the playground is often wet and/or dirty so overclothes or a change of clothes are needed.  Overclothes are easier with Little Brother in hand, so there you have it.

1 comment:

  1. love the photos!!! little brother looks so much like big brother! miss you all.
