So here’s a little timeline of life lately:
Christmas break—Decide it’s time to educate myself. Tell A. that his birthday present to me is a Curves Sewing Class.
January 3—Register for the class, cut out a little bag for my birthday buddy.
January 5—Work on the bag. In the middle, hear sewing machine go ker-chunk. And stop. Completely. Call Mom to ask if there’s anything she thinks I should try. We agree that it’s probably best to take it in (it’s been a while since it’s had a tune-up, but still!)
January 10—Actually have a chance to take the machine into the repairman. It’s going to be three weeks.
January 14—Curves class begins. I read along, but it’s totally a hands-on class. I do things I should be doing anyway, like cleaning my basement, organizing the Christmas haul, and cleaning the floor under my table (which has become decidedly more of a challenge due to Little Brother’s eating preferences). But, it’s still sad.
January 27-29—Everyone feels yucky. At first, I attempt life as usual, which results in me carrying Big Brother out of Target wrapped in my coat because his pants are a lost cause. The next day, I wised up and everyone took extra naps.
January 30—My machine is well again! I pack up the boys and go pick it up that very afternoon. That evening I did the first project from the Curves class—a scalloped bunting.

Beginning of February—I was a good girl and continued to clean the basement rather than exclusively returning to sewing. I did finish the little bag (really cute, but I forgot to get a picture), and I did two more of the curves class projects (which I apparently haven’t taken pictures of yet).
February 15-18—The motivation for my basement cleaning shows up in the form of the birthday buddy herself, her parents, and her brother. We had a grand time.

(Photos courtesy of Morgan MacDonald, who unfortunately stayed behind the lens. Contact her for your editing needs).
So what’s in store for the future? Well, Celebrate the BOY is coming up, and I kind of want to play along. I was going to make my Easter clothes first, but I think I’ll reorder things a little.
And before that? A couple more curves projects that I’ve already pulled fabric for.
And sometime? I’ll get to the other half of the basement.