Hm, let’s see. Last time I was around, I promised to share some knitting projects. And then I promptly didn’t. I have this problem where I want my blog to be some faithful chronicle of life and my fun stuff, and then I don’t update, so I forget everything. So I think I’m just going to start with what I’ve been doing recently, before I forget. If' I’m lucky, I’ll go back through and play catch up on some other stuff, including the knitting. How’s that for a tease?
First up: pajamas!
From Ottobre 6/2010, the Pitka Jussi long johns and the Villi Viikinki undershirt, both in size 86 (side note—why do some of the names in Ottobre seem to be translated [the same issue has Jumpin’ In coveralls], while others obviously aren’t?). The hibiscus print was originally something I requested for myself in middle school, I think? I’m sure my mom will be glad to see that it finally got turned into something. The red is a t-shirt from the Goodwill pile, and the navy is cotton-lycra. It works well instead of ribbing, I think.
The good:
- It fits!
- It has a little fly, which amuses me greatly.
The do-better next time:
- It would look better with more of the topstitching that’s suggested. My topstitching was looking really, really awful, so I decided to forgo it. Mom and I think it’s because I decided I could use a regular double needle instead of going to get a ballpoint one. We’ll try that for the next pair.
- I think If I’m just going to use the lycra for the waistband (I didn’t put in any elastic), I’ll shorten it just a smidge.
- One of the cuffs on the shirt is inside out. Not super noticeable, so I didn’t bother ripping it out and redoing it, but suboptimal.
- Sewing in the size labels really works better when I can see them. I’ll have to get a picture of the pants label.
- The inner fly could be just a little taller (which I think is my fault). Not that it matters one iota since he’s wearing a diaper, but still.
Luckily, my chance to improve will come soon! It’s the Kid’s Clothes Week Challenge this week at elsie marley, and I’m signed up! Stay tuned for the week’s exploits.