I've been tagged.
1. Find the fourth folder in your My Pictures folder.
2. Post the fourth picture.
Unfortunately, my fourth folder is my blog folder. So you may have already seen the fourth photo (check out my post on the Jack Daniel's distillery)
So I decided to play again. After all, in middle school drama I learned that 3 is the magic number. My third folder is pictures from this year--sounds good.
But the third photo? Part of a surprise that I don't want to post!
Try again. Second folder, second folder, second picture? A photo of someone else who may or may not feel like being on my blog. Man, this game is hard!
Finally, a winner! Fifth folder (my "inspiration" folder), fifth item (the first three are more folders):
It's a stained glass pattern, from this site. I downloaded it to help me with a present, a sneak peek of which is in this post.
But I've never put any of the other pics up (for shame!). Look! It's a wall-hanging! A sort of stained-glass version of some friends' "family crest." Otherwise known as the super-late-wedding-gift (of course, I don't have a super-hot track record of getting wedding gifts to people before or during their weddings. I like to take full advantage of the "acceptable 6 month window" for wedding gift giving).
There you have it folks. My adaptation of the photo 4 meme. And a follow-up picture. Now if only I could think up a couple more interesting things about myself for the Facebook "25 things about me" meme, I'd be golden.